Friday, March 15, 2013

The Digitally Drunk In NYC

As I walked the streets of NYC back to the 80s, watching the young hipsters intoxicated on Jagermeister and cocaine, stumbling like helpless puppets into the on coming traffic, I was not surprised to find the late night streets of SoHo speckled with blood and teeth.

Today, texting is the preferred drug. In my latest visit to NYC, I saw people walking purposefully from point A to point B, never looking up from the palms of their hands. Its like watching some new religious cult who beleieve the world contained in the palms of their hands will protect them from the throbbing masses, bike messangers, and feed up taxi drivers.

They are the digitally drunk. Obsessed with being in touch, on top, and so with it NOW that NOW is to late.

These photos are dedicated to them. Look up people. See the drama above your heads.

...And look both ways before crossing the street.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Secret Tales About Anonymous Portraits

The Portrait Secrets Salon is the creation of Amy Walton. She has combined two of her favorite things, collecting anonymous portraits and story telling, thus creating an entertaining literary event that is packed with home spun culture.

She began collecting portraits years ago, finding them at flea markets, thrift stores and under random rocks. These anonymous paintings, drawings and photographs cover the walls of her living room and a few random strangers now adorning in her bedroom.

When asked about the portraits, Amy would reply "I don't know who they are, I simply like them".  Over time this response left Amy feeling flat. It didn't convey the playfulness and affection that she felt for her collection. So she decided to recruit a few friends flesh out her collection by asking them to write short histories about some of her portrait pals.

For her second gathering of the Portrait Secrets Salon, I was one of seven people who had the pleasure of giving voice to one of the canvas personalities. I recounted the story of Susan and the Plumbers Dilemma. A coming of age story with drama, passion, and trouble with the pipes. It surprised me how much fun it was to write this little narrative, to dabble in the romance genre just for a bit, and to create something that was simply fun.

Check out the Secret Lives Of Our Portraits website where showcasing some of the portraits and their stories. 

Friday, January 4, 2013

First Museum Visit of 2013

Started 2013 by going to the Amon Carter Museum to see the wonderful survey of American paintings from Phillips Collection, To See As Artists See. This exhibit has multiple paintings by artists like Arthur Dove, Marsden Hartley, Charles Sheeler, plus a several artists I was not familiar with.

Included are some of the best Stuart Davis paintings I ever seen in person, my fav being Blue Cafe'. The simplicity of the image is built upon a complex composition, sensitive color relationships and masterful paint handling. You have to see this painting in person. When you do, you will fall in love.

I must admit that I have been to Washington DC a few times but have never made it to the Phillips Collection, a mistake I will fix next visit.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Fall Risk

There is nothing quite like having a "Young Person" give up their set in a waiting room and address you as Sir. That is until the nurse straps a big yellow band across your wrist that states in all capital letters FALL RISK. What a day. Think I'll go back home and curl up with a big glass of prune juice.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Blog Post Number 200: A Small Detail

This work of art has been on continuous display the longest of any of the art works in my house. It's a mosaic created by my father, Samuel Lee Smith.   Really it's a slab of cement reinforced with steel rebar and covered with small shards of stained glass. I think it's titled Beach Towel Bather.  I appreciate the humor  because even though it's shaped to look like a beach towel dangling from two pins it actually weighs a good 30 pounds.

My Dad completed this mosaic art work sometime before he and my Mom finished building their dream house in 1956.  The piece was installed in the front bath and as far as I know has been removed only twice in its lifetime. Once then the bath was repainted and again in 2002 when I remodeled the house and studio.

Of course after the house renovation the mosaic went right back to its original location but I added molly bolts. That should keep it on the wall and withstand any of the small earthquakes we have been getting here.  Though looks like I might need to address the wall paint again.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

BFS Blog About To Hit 200 posts

The next BFS Blog posting will be my 200th posting!!!

but first a bit of reminiscing, old photos, and rambling...

I started blogging on December 28, 2007.  It was all about my Yucatan Adventure. Unbelievably, my first time south of the Texas boarder. That trip was visually overwhelming.

For the past 5 years I've rambled on and on about things that comprise a Brad Centric Universe.  A universe focused on looking at art, making artwork and wallowing in new inspirations plus a bunch of other stuff that randomly shows up on my radar.

Often my posts are short series about art projects I'm working on . . .  Aurora 2011, The Privet Sculpture Project, and The SculptCAD Rapid Artists Project.

I've also highlighted topics such as Drawings, Sculptures, and Wall Installations ... revealing some of the ups and downs of making art.

And over the years I've had the opportunity to work with some great art organizations such as Art and Seek, Art Con, Pecha Kucha Dallas, TED/SMU, the Dallas Museum of Art, The Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth, the Creative Arts Center, and The CADD Bus Tour.

These ventures into public presentations inevitably expose insights to what happens when a quiet artist like me encounters a moment in the spotlight. 

The BFS Blog maybe a Brad Centric Universe but it is also a universe filled with many other wonderful artists.  My blog has given me the opportunity to shine a light on some of them like Debbie Ballard, Mark Birnbaum, Tracy Hicks, and David Bates.

I was talking with a good friend today who asked if I every have problems thinking of things to blog about?  Nope.  Really I wish I could blog 5 times as much as I am.  I have a big bucket of topics that I could easily expound on.  Though not sure everyone could handle so much misuse of english grammar.

The reality is this show is being run by a kinda-scruffy opossum resembling rambling artist who has time management issues and a loving spouse who keeps reminding him how much he needs his beauty sleep.