Wednesday, October 10, 2012

BFS Blog About To Hit 200 posts

The next BFS Blog posting will be my 200th posting!!!

but first a bit of reminiscing, old photos, and rambling...

I started blogging on December 28, 2007.  It was all about my Yucatan Adventure. Unbelievably, my first time south of the Texas boarder. That trip was visually overwhelming.

For the past 5 years I've rambled on and on about things that comprise a Brad Centric Universe.  A universe focused on looking at art, making artwork and wallowing in new inspirations plus a bunch of other stuff that randomly shows up on my radar.

Often my posts are short series about art projects I'm working on . . .  Aurora 2011, The Privet Sculpture Project, and The SculptCAD Rapid Artists Project.

I've also highlighted topics such as Drawings, Sculptures, and Wall Installations ... revealing some of the ups and downs of making art.

And over the years I've had the opportunity to work with some great art organizations such as Art and Seek, Art Con, Pecha Kucha Dallas, TED/SMU, the Dallas Museum of Art, The Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth, the Creative Arts Center, and The CADD Bus Tour.

These ventures into public presentations inevitably expose insights to what happens when a quiet artist like me encounters a moment in the spotlight. 

The BFS Blog maybe a Brad Centric Universe but it is also a universe filled with many other wonderful artists.  My blog has given me the opportunity to shine a light on some of them like Debbie Ballard, Mark Birnbaum, Tracy Hicks, and David Bates.

I was talking with a good friend today who asked if I every have problems thinking of things to blog about?  Nope.  Really I wish I could blog 5 times as much as I am.  I have a big bucket of topics that I could easily expound on.  Though not sure everyone could handle so much misuse of english grammar.

The reality is this show is being run by a kinda-scruffy opossum resembling rambling artist who has time management issues and a loving spouse who keeps reminding him how much he needs his beauty sleep.

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