Saturday, July 26, 2008

Cows in the class room

 Doss Heritage and Culture Center wins the prize for the most surreal experience of the month. 

They made an appointment to have Studio Six examine some recently donated items, four Longhorn Steer mounts and one Buffalo mount. The Doss Center focuses on the history of Weatherford Texas which has always been a big cow town, so having a few stuffed cows in the collection is what you would expect. What made it surreal was stepping into a classroom that was filled with cow heads. I laughed outloud 

Monday, July 14, 2008

The Underside of Family History

A client recently brought in a dinning room table that originally belonged to her Great Grandmother. It had been stored in a barn until the estate was dispersed and the farm was sold. The table was in very very bad shape, but the connection to family history was to strong to pass up. So the client brought it into Studio Six for restoration. 

As the conservation report was being made it was noted that the underside of the table (see photo) had lots of pencil scribbles and what turned out to be numerous globs of old crusty chewing gum. 

After consulting with the client it was determined that these artifacts were limited to an area where her Grandfather would have set. The client decided not to remove these items because they gave a personal insight into the young life of her Grandfather.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Kara Walker Article For Art & Seek

I saw the Kara Walker exhibit at the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth this past Sunday. It really was a suppressing and overwhelming show. I submitted a review of it to Art & Seek. If they post it like I'll make a link to it.