Thursday, May 29, 2008

Desk Top Drawings Phase 3

I just finished the last drawing for Desk Top Drawings Phase 3. This is a series of drawings on photos that began as doodles on my work desk. So Phase 1 is photographs of the doodles on the work desk. Phase 2 is photos of the doodles that I have drawn on top of. Phase 3 is photos of phase 2 that I have drawn on top of again. Next I'll start phase 4, drawings on top of a photo of a photo of a photo of a photo.
This is a very simple system, but in practice it combines the process of redefining an image while the image is being degraded by photographic reproduction.

For more info on this project go to

Saturday, May 17, 2008

5X7 @ Art House at the Jones Center

It's time once again for the annual Art House 5X7 "art splurge and exhibition". There is a very long long list of participating artists, many like myself that have donated art to this event for years. The big event starts out in Austin TX at the Art House gallery. From there it will travel to Dallas, Houston and possible San Antonio. But the big night is definitely at the Art House gallery.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

In the arty woods @ La Reunion TX

This week end Sarah Jane Semrad orchestrated a quick clean up and hedge whacking at the La Reunion TX site. It gave me the chance to do a little sprucing up to the cedar that I did for the first annual tree carving project. This photo of hot and sweaty me was taken by Sarah Jane.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

More On Hall of Fame, A new conservation technique?

A client brought this marble top plant stand in to Studio Six Art Conservation. She got it from a friend of a friend. She thought it was pretty but a bit too wobbly. So we took a look to see what the problem could be. When I removed the marble top I saw these white squares sticking out from the four leg joins. Upon closer inspection I was dumbfounded to see that the plant stand was held together with velcro! 

Thursday, April 10, 2008

High School Repeat Visit

In this program held at the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth, local artists and five high school AP art classes work together to investigate various art topics based on what is currently on display at the museum.
The museum will be exhibiting a retrospective of one of my favorite artists, Martin Puryear. I’ll be working with the students (100 teenagers in all) to to create paper sculptures that focus on the cross over of skilled labor and fine art that is inherent to the working process of Martin Puryear.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

TAM meeting 2008

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             This was the third Texas Association of Museums meeting that I have attended. There is always loads of great lectures, but meeting and talking with people involved in museums and obsessed with history is the real joy of the meetings. This year the TAM meeting was held in Galveston, so the evening social events included h’orderves and wine at the Bishop’s Palace, Freeto pie at the Galveston Art Center, grilled shrimp at the Ocean Star Drilling Museum, and on the final night, dancing under the wings of B 52 bombers at the Lone Star Flight Museum. How can you not love history!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Chuck and the angry inch

So I called the cats in for their dinner. As they were dancing and begging at my feet I noticed the red dots on the floor. Lots of red dots. More and more red dots! They were coming from the tip of Chucks tail! Somehow he lost the end of his tail and he was flinging blood everywhere. He didn’t seem to be in any pain, but the kitchen was starting to look like a murder scene. So I rushed him to the “late night” veterinarian, and they shaved his tail and put in a few stitches, then charged me $568.00. When we got back home at 11:45 PM Chuck was really really hungry and I needed a glass of wine.