Pecha Kucha Dallas was last night, 11 people gave their 20/20 presentations, and all of them were wonderful. Well, at least the ones I can remember. I was the 7th presenter that night, so I don't really recall to much before my turn, and then afterwards I spent some quality time breathing.
With the 6.40 minute formate, the audience gets a good taste of what each presenter is like. The time also causes the presenters to talk quickly and precisely. This energy is picked up by everyone in the room, so the intermissions and after mingling is always rewarding.
When I got up on stage, seemed like the first slide was over before I said hello. After that I just rambled on through to the end. I got some good laughs, can't remember what from, or if I even said half the stuff I had practiced. But it was GREAT fun. I'd do it again for sure.
Here is the list and links of presenters:
Here is the tag to all my PKN vol. 3 postings
And here's a little press on the event: